It started when…

We were a little two spirit person! I’ll never forget my grandfather telling me I was a “leap before you look person.” Two things stuck with me about this: 1) Faith drives my actions, and 2) We were a fully empowered PERSON at 4 years old.

Faith is defined as belief with strong conviction; firm belief in something for which there may be no tangible proof; complete trust, confidence, reliance, or devotion. Faith is the opposite of doubt.

In the traditional tarot, the Fool card is the most powerful card in the deck. The Fool is stepping off a cliff, with his eyes uplifted toward the heavens, lingering on the beautiful rose in his hand. The artwork evokes an assuredness that he will walk straight into the sky, fearless of gravity nor death, floating on air.

I know that the mystical proves Reality rather than defies it. We are both a mystic and a scientist. I was raised by two scientists: a computer engineer and a biochemist/botanist. For us, spirituality and science go hand in hand.

At the age of 21, I joined the NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) and began to meeting many world renowned metaphysicists. It was then that we confirmed what we had always known: The deeper we go into the mysteries of the Multiverse, the more evidence there is that the impossible is possible.

Although quantum physics fascinates me, the branch I resonate most with is called Noetic Science.

Don’t believe, KNOW.

No•et•ic Sci•encesA multidisciplinary field of study that brings objective scientific tools and techniques together with subjective inner knowing to study the nature of reality.

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend personal god and avoid dogma and theology. ~Albert Einstein

Religion as we know it is being replaced with self expression as each person obtains our own inner knowing. We call this The Ascension Process.

I define the Ascension Process as breaking up with The Matrix; becoming able to discern Reality from the illusion. We are merging our ego consciousness, which is only concerned with survival, with our soul consciousness, which is more concerned with our passion and purpose here on Earth.

I usually refer to this process as Shadow Integration. We believe in healthy ego. We need the ego to protect us against real threats, and keep us on track in pursuing our goals with minimal interference. Some might call it self-serving to say “No” to a request without explaining why. However, I call it self-preservation.

At the height of this process, our brain will make the radical shift from logic to wisdom. Logic is more answer-based, wisdom is more situational. Let’s take an example.

In the modern day spiritual community we often hear people speak of passion as the access to purpose. If we look through the lens of logic, then naturally we will assume that our soul’s purpose has something to do with what we like and enjoy. If we are passionate about music for instance, we might think that our purpose is to be a musician or a producer.

However, once we are connected to our Highest Self, wisdom dictates that passion is associated more deeply with anger than it is with pleasure. If we see a couple arguing, what do we say? They’re passionate!

So, often our purpose has to do with what makes us angry enough to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. However, if our ego/shadow has a difficult time admitting to angry feelings, it might be really hard to be honest with ourselves about what our true purpose in life is.

The currency of leadership is transparency. ~Anonymous